Who We Are

Melaleuca Fire Ck 2

The Wangan and Jagalingou people are the proud Traditional Owners and Native Title Applicants of a vast area of land in central-western Queensland’.

For thousands of years, we have been custodians of this land and it is our responsibility to protect our land, water, people, history and totems. Our totem is the bee, or Kub-bah in our traditional language.

Our sacred connection starts at our place of birth. There, the child is given a representative animal, bird or reptile totem, either a social totem, or a dreaming totem. They are forbidden to eat such creatures or their eggs.

In our country, spiritual ancestors come up from under the ground and travel in and through the land at sacred sites associated with the Rainbow Serpent known as the Mundunjudra. The Rainbow Serpent has power to control Wangan & Jagalingou sites where our people are born into their bigan (Totem). This has been so since the beginning of the creation period.

The sacred beliefs of our culture, our religion, is based on where the song lines run through our country. These song lines connect us to Mother Earth. Trees, plants, shrubs, medicines, waterholes, animals, habitats, aquifers – all these have a special religious place in our land and culture. Our spirits and the spirits of our ancestors travel above, through, and under the ground of our country.

They dwell there indefinitely.

2 Replies to “Who We Are”

  1. All aboriginal land should be protected. As a goobah i stand with all aboriginal mobs to 1st have crown lands returned for their cultures to survive and be shared with all Australian. I also stand with them to be able to live under their own lore on their own lands. I also wish for all Australians of all colour to be united and on the same page unity involves both people stretching out their hands and meeting. Working together to achieve the goals both sides wish to achieve. ATM most goobahs think aboriginals blame them when infact the gripe is with the govt/crown. We need this perception destroyed and we need to show Govt we will be one. How we achieve this is hard. Things like Koori knock outs i’m sure there is a Murri version as well , maybe start inviting a few young goobahs to play in each team start spreading the word start building a strong bond between all Australians. A strong understanding of just how kind and beautiful aboriginal people are. it is so important. The requests most aboriginal mobs have are so incredibly mild and reasonable it doesn’t seem fair you are still fighting constantly for things that basically should be negotiated and solved right now. Upset Goobah with an axe to grind here.

  2. Hi there hoping to learn and share more Culture. I am a Gunggari from Mitchell but now live in Canberra.

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