Jagalingou TOs strike a blow for land rights against Adani

Stories / Sunday, September 13th, 2020

Statement regarding Adani’s response to the notice of occupation on Jagalingou Country

10 September 2020

W&J Traditional Owners, with particular connection to Jagalingou country where the Carmichael mine project is situated, have been battling to re-occupy a ceremonial camp they occupied on Adani’s Moray Downs pastoral lease. 

After having been moved on by police at Adani’s behest, effort was made to ensure that their legal right to be there was known and supported by the Qld Police and Government, and not interfered with by Adani, upon their return.

This was successful and the Jagalingou family group are now occupying an area of their traditional homeland near the mine site.

Adani has grudgingly accepted the Traditional Owners have a right to be on their own Country, in an officious reply to the the notice of occupation on Jagalingou Country.

W&J cultural leader and Jagalingou traditional custodian, Adrian Burragubba said: 

“This week we struck a blow for land rights, and against Adani. As a cultural leader for my people, I led my family onto our clan estate to exercise our cultural rights, and continue our work to protect the land and make peace with our ancestors, in the face of Adani’s relentless environmental assault.

“After direct confrontation with Adani and the State, when police were brought in, we won a hold on our ceremonial camp. We brought the law to bear in our favour.

“Adani can try to impose conditions as though they have a say over our people. The fact is we have a right to be here and don’t need their permission.

“We know what our rights and responsibilities are on Country. We have the right to maintain and strengthen our spiritual relationship with our lands and waters and fulfil our responsibilities to pass on our law and culture to our future generations. We must be on Country to do that.

“Adani needs to stop sending people to our camp, interfering with our cultural rights, and stop disrupting our activities on Country”.

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