The Path of resistance
First Nations solidarity and the Wangan & Jagalingou
Traditional Owners’ fight for their future
6:30 Pm to 8:00 PM, 16th JULY 2018
State Library of Queensland, Auditorium 1, Level 2,
Stanley Place, South Brisbane
This public event is hosted by the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners Council and the UQ Human Rights Consortium, as part of an international symposium.
The four-day symposium – bringing together national and international Indigenous rights thinkers and activists – is being held at the University of Queensland’s Global Change Institute.
This important evening event at the State Library will be hosted by Tony McAvoy SC, a Wangan & Jagalingou Traditional Owner and Australia’s first Indigenous Senior Counsel, and will feature
~ Adrian Burragubba, senior Wangan and Jagalingou leader and Traditional Owners Council spokesperson
~ Murrawah Johnson, Wangan and Jagalingou youth leader and Council spokesperson
with special guests
~ Dr. Anne Poelina, Nyikina Traditional Custodian of the Mardoowarra, West Kimberley and Director of Madjulla Inc.
~ Dave Archambault, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe leader during the protest to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
~ Lisa Wade, Council Member, Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax (Chickaloon Village Traditional Council)
~ Walter Echo-Hawk, Pawnee Native American attorney, tribal judge, author, activist, and law professor
Hear from these extraordinary leaders who are on the frontline of Indigenous Peoples’ resistance to mining and resource projects that would destroy ancestral lands and damage the global climate.
Guests will speak of their own movements defending their human rights, their lands and waters, and the solidarity they share with the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners who are trying to halt Adani’s Carmichael Coal mega-mine on their country, alongside other mines of mass destruction that could be built in the Galilee Basin of Central Queensland.
Wangan and Jagalingou leaders will affirm the rights of First Nations people to assert their claim to their ancestral lands in tangible and meaningful ways, including the right to say ‘no’ to major and dangerous extractive projects on their traditional lands.
The current global boom in resource extraction is an accelerating threat to Indigenous lives, livelihoods and culture, through the appropriation and destruction of traditional lands, waters, and natural and cultural resources. This violent ideology of ‘extractivism’ has drawn renewed attention to Indigenous peoples’ rights and their demands that settler societies stop imposing laws and policies in conflict with these rights.
This event will present a compelling First Nations platform, highlighting one of the great challenges in delivering environmental and climate justice today, and calling for a pathway to renewed development approaches where respect for Indigenous peoples’ rights and the realities of a climate constrained world are centred.