
For media enquiries, please contact Anthony on 0418 152 743.

For any questions, comments or non-urgent media enquiries, please contact us at

8 Replies to “Contact”

  1. Hi,
    I just wanted to let you know that your donation link does not work atm.
    I am also curious if you are still selling T-Shirts like you did a few months ago.
    Best luck with your fight. Sending you much strenght.

    Daniela from Victoria

  2. My name is Nathan Nehow. I am a Nywaigi descendant from the Ingham area in North Queensland. My country runs from around Rollingstone, north of Townsville and up to the Herbert River in Ingham out to Lucinda.

    My partner and I own and run a landscaping business called Australian Indigenous Grasstrees & Wildflowers (AIGW), also a Native Florist in Mackay.

    I am writing to you as we have been contacted by a school in Clermont to create a Yarning Circle which is what we do as part of our Cultural Gardens and Landscaping work in Mackay where we use native plants and share the traditional uses of these plants we use in our work.

    Since our conversation with Clermont school you, the traditional owners of the land they want us to do this work on is my first port of call to first introduce ourselves and pay our respect to the traditional owner group Wangan Jagalingou and to let you know that our intention is to create a yarning circle, sharing your culture in Clermont for students and teachers to learn your history, culture and traditions as well as the traditional uses of native plants. We create a space to sit and talk.

    I think the reason we are doing this work is important because we want to keep our knowledge around these things alive for future generations and by creating our yarning circles in schools this reaches all children who go there at an early age and we want your mob involved as you are the only ones who can tell this story with respect to stories, songlines and country because it is your country and not mine and I cant tell you what to do on your country.

    We only create these spaces so when it is completed, you the traditional owners have a space to sit and talk (yarn) sharing your knowledge, culture and traditions in line with your people and your country.

    I would like to further this conversation if an elder wants to know more about who we are and what we do please call Nathan on 0432 577 539 or email on the address provided in your form.

    We look forward to speaking with you soon.

    Kind regards

    Nathan Nehow and Kerri-Ann Currie

  3. I haven’t heard much about what is happening now
    Are you still active
    Is the mine still active
    Are you still looking for donations
    Are you still doing Tours?

    1. Hi David,
      Our W&J site is in the process of being updated.
      Yes Adani’s mine is still active and continues to destroy our lands and waters, and sacred sites.
      Waddananggu is still standing and relies on the support of our allies and donors.
      You can find more information about Waddananggu and how to help support us by our other Webpage or via our Facebook page

  4. Thank you for your latest email highlighting the illegal tactics being used by Adani and Bravus to prevent cultural practices at Doongmabulla . It was my understanding that it was illegal in Australia for any employer to direct staff to commit an illegal act. Shame on Adani and Bravus, and shame on the staff for not educating themselves. This should never occur again. I hope you are awarded substantial legal costs and compensation and Adani/Bravus are significantly fined. They should not be in Australia and the sooner the close the better for everyone. Stay strong

  5. Yes, the donation page is working TODAY the 29th march 24. I have asked if we could use a debit card rather than Paypal. I am a person who is moving away from google chrome and pp…to BRAVE as my search engine and browser. For your interest, I get your Adani links from the Bob Brown Foundation and from you too. All power to you from your ancestors.

  6. Hi
    Just chipped in a few dollars to help you towards your next 1000 days
    Even in the UK your stand is seen and understood
    (It should be ESPECIALLY in the UK given our history!)
    Thank you for keeping the wisdom of indigenous peoples alive
    Andy Wood

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