Letter to the QLD Premier – there should be no extinguishment of Native Title

Stories / Monday, February 12th, 2018




On 22 December 2017 the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners Family Council wrote to –

The QLD Premier,

The Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, and

The Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy


The W&J Council received its most recent mandate at a meeting of the W&J claim group on 2 December 2017. The letter informed the Government that the W&J claim group opposes the Adani Mining Pty Ltd project because of the damage that it will cause to the culture, and the lands and waters, of the Wangan and Jagalingou People.

W&J council also oppose the registered Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) with Adani Mining Pty Ltd purported to be authorised by the Wangan and Jagalingou People in controversial circumstances (“the Adani ILUA”).

W&J council uphold the decisions of the claim group who, on four separate occasions (the last being at the authorisation meeting of 2 December 2017), have rejected the Adani ILUA.

We noted the following –

1. There is no free prior informed consent of the Wangan and Jagalingou People to the Adani project or the Adani ILUA.

2. The Adani ILUA is not acceptable compensation for the destruction of our country and the loss and suffering that would occur. Nor does it provide an equitable consideration regarding jobs and benefits.

3. The circumstances in which the Government, in support of an ILUA, became directly involved in internal Wangan and Jagalingou discussion is of very serious concern to us.

4. The Adani ILUA contains a provision which allows for the immediate surrender and extinguishment of our native title.

We requested that the QLD Government give an undertaking not to grant any freehold title to Adani Mining Pty Ltd, thereby extinguishing native title of the Wangan and Jagalingou People.


The Full Letter is here.



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